this source code you can learn on how create an online reservation
system with online payment. In this code you can learn also to create
source code in making online payment, room inventory, add edit and
delete records using php, error trapping using php and javascripts,
textbox that accept numbers only, check room availability, and other
feature that can be found in this complete application. Hope this code
will help you, Thank you
Database name: argie_tamera
log-in the admin mode using the following:
username: admin
password: admin
Download Disini
Database name: argie_tamera
log-in the admin mode using the following:
username: admin
password: admin
Download Disini
mohon pencerahannya mas... kenapa ya form registrasi reservation saya cm mutar2 ja ni ""... dimana yg salah ya mas..???
ReplyDeleteminta tlng pencerahannya mas dan bantuannya.. saya pny sampel form registrasi reservation kira2 salahnya dimana ni ya mas... ""